General Purpose Macro-generator - определение. Что такое General Purpose Macro-generator
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Что (кто) такое General Purpose Macro-generator - определение

General Purpose Macroprocessor; General Purpose Macro Processor; General purpose macroprocessor; Macro processor; Macroprocessor; General purpose preprocessor; General purpose macro processor; General Purpose Macrogenerator; Mobile Programming System; Mobile programming system; MPS (Waite); Stage2; STAGE2

General Purpose Macro-generator      
<language> (GPM) An early text-processing language similar to TRAC, implemented on the Atlas 2 by {Christopher Strachey}. ["A General Purpose Macrogenerator", C. Strachey, Computer J 8(3):225-241, Oct 1965]. (2006-07-21)
General-purpose macro processor         
A general-purpose macro processor or general purpose preprocessor is a macro processor that is not tied to or integrated with a particular language or piece of software.
A macro language. ["The Mobile Programming System: STAGE2", W.M. Waite, CACM 13:415 (1970)]. (1994-10-27)


General-purpose macro processor

A general-purpose macro processor or general purpose preprocessor is a macro processor that is not tied to or integrated with a particular language or piece of software.

A macro processor is a program that copies a stream of text from one place to another, making a systematic set of replacements as it does so. Macro processors are often embedded in other programs, such as assemblers and compilers. Sometimes they are standalone programs that can be used to process any kind of text.

Macro processors have been used for language expansion (defining new language constructs that can be expressed in terms of existing language components), for systematic text replacements that require decision making, and for text reformatting (e.g. conditional extraction of material from an HTML file).